An Altar is a fixed object that is used to restore players prayer points. Altar's can be found in the many churches and temples throughout RuneScape Classic and also in other various locations.
Altar's completely restore the players prayer points when accessed, with no cost to the player. There is one altar which gives a temporary bonus +2 prayer points whilst recharging on that altar, allowing for up to 101 prayer points. This special altar is located in the Prayer Guild which requires level 31 prayer to reach.
There are 3 visual representations of altars in Runescape Classic, each with their respective God being the accompanying theme. There are Holy altars, which represent Saradomin, Chaos altars which represent Zamorak, and Guthix altars which represent Guthix.
Holy altars[]
- Camelot Castle (2nd floor)
- East Ardougne church
- Entrana church
- Heroes' Guild (top floor)
- Lumbridge church
- Monastery north west of Edgeville (downstairs, no boost)
- Monastery north west of Edgeville (upstairs, Monks Altar, gives a temporary +2 prayer point boost)
- Seer's Village church
- Thurgo's Peninsula, inside a small church, west of Port Sarim and east of Rimmington.
- Tutorial Island church (only accessible during tutorial island)
- Varrock church (north-east side of the town)
- West Ardougne church
Chaos altars[]
- Black Knight's Fortress (upstairs)
- Chaos Temple (north of Goblin Village)
- Chaos Temple (centre of the wilderness)
- Grave of Scorpius (east of the Battle field in Kandarin)
- Underground Pass (first level and platform/temple level)
- Varrock church (south east of the town)
- Evil Altar (deep Wilderness)
- Yanille dungeon (trapped)
Guthix Altars[]
- Taverley Stone Circle (north of town, south-east of the Heroes' Guild) (Examine: A sort of ancient altar thingy)