RuneScape Classic Wiki
The main RuneScape Wiki has an article on: Amulet of GhostSpeak
The Old School RuneScape Wiki also has an article on Amulet of GhostSpeak.

FFather Urhney's location in the southeastern part of Lumbridge Swamp

The Amulet of GhostSpeak is gained by talking to Father Urhney during The Restless Ghost quest. He can be found in the southeast Lumbridge Swamp living in a house next to the mine. Its purpose is to allow the player to talk to the ghost during the quest.

You may obtain more than one amulet at a time by dropping it, talking to Urhney, and then picking up the one you dropped.

After the quest is complete, the amulet becomes useless and only functions as a cosmetic item. Father Urhney will not replace it at this point either.

