RuneScape Classic Wiki
The main RuneScape Wiki has an article on: Amulet of accuracy
The Old School RuneScape Wiki also has an article on Amulet of accuracy.

The Amulet of accuracy is an item obtained from Wizard Mizgog by completing the Imp Catcher quest. This amulet is not very good for combat; this is only recommended to use if you cannot afford an amulet of power.

Obtaining a lost Amulet[]

It can only be obtained once per account. If a player loses this amulet, Wizard Mizgog will not give them another. Obtaining this item by completing the Imp Catcher quest requires receiving 475 Magic experience, making it difficult for some pures to obtain one. The only way to get another amulet is by trading with another player, which does not require completion of the quest.



  • Historically this item became discontinued on the closed periods of 2006-2009 then later on the periods of 2011-2016 due to the limited number of accounts on RuneScape Classic servers.
