Heavy metal.
An anvil is a stationary piece of scenery that is used in the smithing skill. Players can create various pieces of armour and weapons on the anvil. Using a bar on an anvil when they have a hammer in their inventory will prompt the player to be asked what type of item they would like to smith.
The Experimental Anvil is a special type of anvil which is used in the Tourist Trap quest to produce a prototype dart tip. It is only found in the Bedabin Camp and it the play must get Al Shabim's permission to use it.
- Doric's anvils north of Falador (requires the completion of Doric's Quest to use)
- Dwarven Mine
- Hemenster
- Port Khazard buildings west of General Store
- Seers' Village (west of the bank)
- (Two anvils)
- Tai Bwo Wannai
- Thurgo's Peninsula
- Underground Pass (dwarven camp)
- Varrock (south of west bank)
- (Three anvils)
- Varrock (Horvik's Armour Shop)
- West Ardougne
- Wilderness Bat house
- Wilderness Spider ruins (blocked by a slashable Web)
- Yanille in the hut just south of the bank