RuneScape Classic Wiki
RuneScape Classic Wiki
The main RuneScape Wiki has an article on: Banana
The Old School RuneScape Wiki also has an article on Banana.

A banana is a food that restores 2 Hits. Players can pick bananas from banana trees on Karamja. Each tree holds 5 bananas. Another way of obtaining bananas is to use the bones to bananas spell.

You can buy these at Wydin's Grocery, located in Port Sarim. You can also earn 30gp from filling a crate with 10 bananas on Karamja, after getting employment from Lathus.

Scenery spawns[]

Wydin's Grocery crate[]

The crate in the back room of Wydin's Grocery, which requires the use of a white apron to access, contains a banana. Searching the crate produces the following dialogues and system/chat messages:

  • (Search crate)
    • (there are bananas in the crate)
    • (would you like a banana?)
    • (you take a banana)
    • (Banana is added to players inventory regardless of buckets already held)

Banana tree[]

Dropped by[]

Monster Combat level Quantity Rarity
Jogre 58 1, 2 7Unknown
