RuneScape Classic Wiki
RuneScape Classic Wiki
The main RuneScape Wiki has an article on: Black Dragon
The Old School RuneScape Wiki also has an article on Black Dragon.
Black Dragon
King Black Dragon
Released 27 February 2002 (Update)
Pay-to-play Yes
Combat level 200
Max hit 21 (50+ without anti dragon breath shield)
Stats (?) 210/190/210
Hitpoints 190
Experience (?) 315
Ranged XP (?) 420
Hits XP (?) 105
Fatigue (?) 4.2%
Hostility Aggressive (?)
Poisonous No
Poisonable Yes
Examine A big powerful dragon

A player receiving a dragon medium helmet as a drop from a Black Dragon in Taverly dungeon.

Black dragons are the second strongest type of dragon in RuneScape Classic after the King Black Dragon. They can be found at the end of the Taverley dungeon and also within the Wilderness' Lava Maze dungeon.


Like all dragons (except the KBD), fighting them using the Paralyze Monster prayer is very helpful as they cannot fight back. Bring restore prayer potions. Consider bringing along a few super Attack and super Strength potions OR potions of Zamorak with sharks to increase the kill rate.

Regardless of which potions the player brings, sharks or other high-healing food should be included to counter the minimal dragonfire damage taken when initiating combat, and for emergencies. A teleportation method and fire+nature runes for high level alchemy are also recommended. Don't bother with a fire staff variant because fire runes are a common drop.

Recommended equipment[]


100% drop[]

Image Item Quantity Rarity
Dragon Bones Dragon bones 1 1Always

Weapons & Armour[]

Image Item Quantity Rarity
Mithril Axe Mithril axe 1 2Common
Mithril battle Axe Mithril battle axe 1 2Common
Mithril Kite Shield Mithril kite shield 1 2Common
Mithril 2-handed Sword Mithril 2-handed sword 1 2Common
Adamantite Plate Mail Body Adamantite plate mail body 1 3Uncommon
Rune Long Sword Rune long sword 1 3Uncommon
Rune Axe Rune axe 1 4Rare
Rune Square Shield Rune square shield 1 4Rare
Rune battle Axe Rune battle axe 1 4Rare
Rune Kite Shield Rune kite shield 1 4Rare
Rune 2-handed Sword Rune 2-handed sword 1 4Rare
Rune Chain Mail Body Rune chain mail body 1 5Very rare
Rune Plate Mail Legs Rune plate mail legs 1 5Very rare
Rune Spear Rune spear 1 5Very rare
Dragon medium Helmet Dragon medium helmet 1 5Very rare
Bronze Arrows Bronze arrows 300 5Very rare


Image Item Quantity Rarity
Air-Rune Air rune 50 2Common
Fire-Rune Fire rune 50 2Common
Death-Rune Death rune 3, 30 2Common
Blood-Rune Blood rune 10 2Common
Law-Rune Law rune 2, 30 2Common
Nature-Rune Nature rune 45 4Rare

Ores & Bars[]

Image Item Quantity Rarity
Adamantite bar Adamantite bar 1–2 3Uncommon
Silver certificate Silver certificate 20 4Rare
Coal certificate Coal certificate 20 4Rare
Runite bar Runite bar 1 5Very rare


Image Item Quantity Rarity
Coins Coins 16, 66, 196, 330, 600 2Common
Chocolate Cake Chocolate cake 1–2 3Uncommon
Dragonstone Dragonstone 1 4Rare


All herbs are dropped in unidentified form. Torstol is not among them.

Image Item Quantity Rarity
Herb Guam leaf 1 2Common
Herb Marrentill 1 2Common
Herb Tarromin 1 2Common
Herb Harralander 1 2Common
Herb Ranarr weed 1 3Uncommon
Herb Irit leaf 1 3Uncommon
Herb Avantoe 1 3Uncommon
Herb Kwuarm 1 3Uncommon
Herb Cadantine 1 4Rare
Herb Dwarf weed 1 4Rare

Rare drop table[]

Image Item Quantity Rarity
Uncut sapphire Uncut sapphire 1 4Rare
Uncut emerald Uncut emerald 1 4Rare
Uncut ruby Uncut ruby 1 4Rare
Uncut diamond Uncut diamond 1 5Very rare
Half of a key (tooth) Half of a key 1 5Very rare
Half of a key (loop) Half of a key 1 5Very rare
Half Dragon Square Shield 1 Half Dragon square shield 1 5Very rare
