RuneScape Classic Wiki
The main RuneScape Wiki has an article on: Body-Rune
The Old School RuneScape Wiki also has an article on Body-Rune.

A Body-Rune is a rune which can be used to cast the following low level curse spells:

Spell Level Runes needed
Confuse 3 3 water-runes, 2 earth-runes, 1 body-rune
Weaken 11 3 water-runes, 2 earth-runes, 1 body-rune
Curse 19 3 earth-runes, 2 water-runes, 1 body-rune

Item spawns[]

Location Number of spawns Number in stack
Up the ladder of the General Store in Al Kharid 1 1
On the ground in the Varrock sewers 1 1
On the ground, interior of the western wall- castle of Varrock 1 2
In level 6-8 wilderness just north of Varrock 3 2


Store Location Stock
Betty's Magic Emporium Port Sarim 30
Aubury's Rune Shop Varrock 50
Magic Guild Store Magic Guild 50
Mage Arena Rune Shop Mage Arena 100

Dropped by[]

Monster Combat level Quantity Rarity
Black knight 46 6 2Common
Black Heather 39 8 3Uncommon
Chaos druid 19 6 3Uncommon
Darkwizard 13, 25 8, 12 2Common
Donny the lad 39 8 3Uncommon
Hobgoblin 32, 48 4 3Uncommon
Goblin 7, 13 1–7 2Common
Ice Giant 68 25 3Uncommon
Necromancer 34 12 2Common
Speedy Keith 39 8 3Uncommon
White Knight 56 8 3Uncommon
Zombie 24 2 3Uncommon
Jailer 51 6 7Unknown
