This page is an article containing dialogue related to Brother Cedric.
The contents of this page are copied verbatim from RuneScape Classic,
and are thus copyrighted by Jagex.
The contents of this page are copied verbatim from RuneScape Classic,
and are thus copyrighted by Jagex.
Brother Cedric[]
Before starting the quest[]
- Player: Hello
- Brother Cedric: honey,money,woman,wine..
- Player: Are you ok?
- Brother Cedric: yesshh...hic up...beautiful..
- Player: take care old monk
- Brother Cedric: la..di..da..hic..up..
- (The monk has had too much to drink)
During the quest, after agreeing to Brother Omad to find Brother Cedric[]
- Player: Brother Cedric are you okay?
- Brother Cedric: yeesshhh, i'm very, very....
- Brother Cedric: ..drunk..hic..up..
- Player: brother Omad needs the wine..
- Player: ..for the party
- Brother Cedric: oh dear, oh dear
- Brother Cedric: I knew I had to do something
- Brother Cedric: pleashhh, find me some water
- Brother Cedric: once i'm sober i'll help you..
- Brother Cedric: ..take the wine back.
Talking to him again[]
- Player: Are you okay?
- Brother Cedric: ...hic up..oh my head..
- Brother Cedric: ..I need some water.
After giving him water[]
- Player: Cedric, here, drink some water
- Brother Cedric: oh yes, my head's starting to spin
- Brother Cedric: gulp...gulp
- (Brother Cedric drinks the water)
- Brother Cedric: aah, that's better
- (you throw the excess water over brother Cedric)
- Brother Cedric: now i just need to fix...
- Brother Cedric: ..this cart..
- Brother Cedric: ..and we can go party
- Brother Cedric: .could you help?
- No, i've helped enough monks today
- Player: No, i've helped enough monks today
- Brother Cedric: in that case i'd better drink..
- Brother Cedric: ..more wine. It help's me think.
- Yes i'dbe happy to
- Player: Yes i'd be happy to
- Brother Cedric: i need some wood
- No, i've helped enough monks today
Talking to him again[]
- Player: Hello Cedric
- Brother Cedric: want to help me fix the cart?
- Yes i'dbe happy to
- Player: Yes i'd be happy to
- Brother Cedric: i need some wood
- No, not really
- Player: No, not really
- Yes i'dbe happy to
Talking to him with logs[]
- Player: Hello Cedric
- Brother Cedric: want to help me fix the cart?
- Brother Cedric: Yes i'd be happy to
- Brother Cedric: i need some wood
- Player: here you go..
- Player: I've got some wood
- Brother Cedric: well done, now i'll fix this cart
- Brother Cedric: you head back to Brother Omad
- Brother Cedric: Tell him i'm on my way
- Brother Cedric: I won't be long
Talking to him again[]
- Player: Hello Cedric
- Brother Cedric: hi, i'm almost done here
- Brother Cedric: go tell Omad that I..
- Brother Cedric: ..won't be long
After the quest[]
- Brother Cedric: Brother Oman sends you his thanks
- Brother Cedric: He won't be in a fit state to thank you in person any more