Examine: An ornately carved rock with a pointed recepticle[sic]
Carved Rocks are scenery found in the chamber of Legends caverns near Half buried remains, between Ancient Wall and Dark Metal Gate. During Legend's Quest all gems (sapphire, emerald, ruby, diamond, opal, jade and red topaz) need to be put on the rocks to receive Booking of Binding.
The riddle hints at the order the gems must be placed in. Beginning with the most northern pool in the row of four, place the first four gems in ascending order (opal, jade, red topaz, sapphire), moving southeast after each pool. Then begin with the northwestern pool and place the remaining three gems (emerald, ruby, diamond), again moving southeast after each pool. A pool will not accept an incorrect gem, so you can keep trying each pond until you get it right.
The carved rocks can be searched for a riddle:
- 'Once there were crystals to make the pool shine,'
- 'Ordered in stature to retrieve what's mine.'
Using the wrong gem:
- You carefully move the gem closer to the rock.
- but nothing happens...
Using the correct gem:
You carefully move the gem closer to the rock.
The [Gem] glows and starts spinning as it hovers above the rock.
Searching a rock that has had a gem placed properly on it:

- You see a delicate inscription on the rock, it says,
- 'Once there were crystals to make the pool shine,'
- 'Ordered in stature to retrieve what's mine.'
- A barely visible [Gem] becomes clear again, spinning above the rock.
- And then fades again...
Using the last gem:
You carefully move the gem closer to the rock.
The [Gem] glows and starts spinning as it hovers above the rock.
Suddenly all the crystals begin to glow very brightly.
The room is lit up with the bright light...
Soon, the light from all the crystals converges into a point.
And you see a strange book appear where the light is focused.
You pick the book up and place it in your inventory.
All the crystals disapear[sic]...and the light fades...
- While there is an option to 'Take' the gem when a player searches a rock that they have correctly placed a gem. Players are unable to take it.
- Players are additionally, unable to cast Telekinetic grab to obtain the gem back as well.