RuneScape Classic Wiki
RuneScape Classic Wiki
The main RuneScape Wiki has an article on: Catherby
The Old School RuneScape Wiki also has an article on Catherby.

Catherby map
Nicknames Cathy
Released 27 February 2002 (Update)
Members area Yes
Kingdom Kandarin
Leader King Lathas
Inhabitants / Race Humans
Teleportation Camelot teleport
Banks 1
Altars 0
Guilds None
Location on World Map
White Wolf Mountain
Camelot Catherby Taverley

Catherby is a town located west of the Member's Gate and Taverley southeast of Camelot. This is the first town accessible traveling west from Asgarnia to White Wolf Mountain and Dwarven tunnel. This town is sometimes used for flax picking because of its bank close proximity to the flax field. Catherby is also used populated by players who are fishing, due to the large number of fishing spots which are not too far east from the bank.

People and Stores[]

Services and Item spawns[]

Fishing Spots[]
