RuneScape Classic Wiki
The main RuneScape Wiki has an article on: Chaos Dwarf
The Old School RuneScape Wiki also has an article on Chaos Dwarf.
chaos Dwarf
Released 13 August 2001 (Update)
Pay-to-play No
Combat level 59
Max hit Unknown edit
Stats (?) 58/59/60
Hitpoints 61
Experience (?) 103.5
Ranged XP (?) 138
Hits XP (?) 34.5
Fatigue (?) 1.38%
Hostility Other (?)
Poisonous No
Poisonable Yes
Examine a dwarf gone bad

Chaos Dwarves are monsters in RuneScape Classic that can be fought. They are found in Taverley dungeon, the Wilderness, and inside Strange Barrels. Inside Taverley dungeon, they are found in the south-eastern area, near the poison scorpions and the lesser demons. Chaos dwarves are aggressive toward all players up to level 118 but they will retreat when on low health.

They are the only monsters that drop the Muddy Key which is used to open the Muddy chest in the center of the Lava Maze.



100% Drops[]

Image Item Quantity Rarity
Bones Bones 1 1Always

Weapons & Armour[]

Image Item Quantity Rarity
Large Steel Helmet Large Steel Helmet 1 4Rare
Mithril Long Sword Mithril Long Sword 1 4Rare
Mithril Square Shield Mithril Square Shield 1 4Rare


Image Item Quantity Rarity
Air-Rune Air-Rune 16 3Uncommon
Water-Rune Water-Rune 7 3Uncommon
Mind-Rune Mind-Rune 25 3Uncommon
Cosmic-Rune Cosmic-Rune 2 3Uncommon
Chaos-Rune Chaos-Rune 7 3Uncommon
Nature-Rune Nature-Rune 6 3Uncommon
Law-Rune Law-Rune 2 3Uncommon
Death-Rune Death-Rune 2 3Uncommon
Blood-Rune Blood-Rune 5 5Very rare

Rare drop table[]

Image Item Quantity Rarity
Uncut sapphire Uncut sapphire 1 4Rare
Uncut emerald Uncut emerald 1 4Rare
Uncut ruby Uncut ruby 1 4Rare
Uncut diamond Uncut diamond 1 5Very rare
Half of a key (tooth) Half of a key 1 5Very rare
Half of a key (loop) Half of a key 1 5Very rare
Half Dragon Square Shield 1 Half Dragon square shield 1 5Very rare


Image Item Quantity Rarity
Coins Coins 25, 47, 92 2Common
Cheese Cheese 1 3Uncommon
Tomato Tomato 1 3Uncommon
Coal Coal 1 3Uncommon
Mithril bar Mithril bar 1 3Uncommon
Muddy key Muddy key 1 3Uncommon

See Also[]
