RuneScape Classic Wiki

Did you mean Chaos Temple in the Wilderness?

The main RuneScape Wiki has an article on: Chaos Temple (Goblin Village)
The Old School RuneScape Wiki also has an article on Chaos Temple (Goblin Village).
Location on World Map
Ruins (west)
Heroes' Guild Chaos Temple Black Knights Fortress
Goblin Village
Chaos Altar (Goblin Village)

Chaos Altar

The Chaos Temple (Goblin Village) is a small octagonal building with an altardedicated to the god Zamorak. There are six level 19 and 29 Monks of Zamorak found inside. It is located between the Goblin Village and Wilderness border, north of Falador.

It is the only location available in RuneScape Classic where the player can acquire Wines of Zamorak, which is most efficiently gathered using the telegrab spell. If the player tries to manually take one from the table, a monk will curse the player and say "A curse be upon you", lowering the players stats and then attacking them. Killing all of the Zamorakian Monks will allow the player to manually retrieve the wine.

See also[]
