RuneScape Classic Wiki
The main RuneScape Wiki has an article on: Chest
The Old School RuneScape Wiki also has an article on Chest.
RuneScape uses the British convention for floor numbering: ground floor, first floor (immediately above the ground floor), second floor, etc.

Chest is a piece of scenery found all over Gielinor. There are different kinds of chest in the game. Some locked and requiring a key to open, some are open by default.


  • Perhaps I should search it (when chest is closed)
  • I wonder what is inside... (when chest is open)
  • (The chest in Handelmort mansion has the above examines switched)
  • I wonder what is inside ?[sic] (eastern chests in Exam Centre, when closed)

Thieving chests[]

Main article: Thieving#Chests

Many chests require a Thieving level to open. Some also require a lockpick.

Special chests[]

Location Key Notes
Shantay Pass None Allows you to access your bank.
Exam Centre (eastern chests) None Contains Cracked rock Sample
Observatory dungeon None Contains poisonous Dungeon spiders and one of them contains 1-dose Cure poison Potion
Gu'Tanoth (south) None Contains poisonous Poison Spider
Sinister Chest, Yanille Agility dungeon Sinister key Sinister key Contains herbs, only way to get Torstol
Muddy chest Muddy key Muddy Key The chest is in the centre of Lava Maze in the Wilderness
Crystal chest Crystal key Crystal key Always contains an Uncut dragonstone.

Quest chests[]

Location Quest Key Contents
Black Arm Gang chest, Varrock Shield of Arrav None Broken shield2 Broken shield
Phoenix Gang chest, Varrock Shield of Arrav None Broken shield1 Broken shield
Khazard open Chest / Khazard shut Chest in Battle Field Tree Gnome Village None Orb of protection Orb of protection
Digsite Digsite Chest key Chest key Unidentified powder Unidentified powder
Underground Pass, near the demons you kill for the amulets Underground Pass Amulet of Holthion Amulet of Holthion, Amulet of Doomion, Amulet of Othainian Iban's shadow Iban's shadow
Underground Pass, Kardia the Witch's house Underground Pass None Old Journal Old Journal, A Doll of Iban A Doll of Iban
Tobans chest on the island west of Gu'Tanoth Watchtower Key Key Stolen gold Stolen gold
Brimhaven mansion Hero's Quest Bunch of keys Bunch of keys (for door) Candlestick Candlestick Two Candlesticks
Phoenix Gang weapons store Shield of Arrav Key Key (Weapons Store) Phoenix Crossbow Phoenix Crossbow
Handelmort mansion, East Ardougne Tribal Totem None Tribal totem Tribal totem
Battle Field ruins, 1st floor[UK] Tree Gnome Village None Orb of protection Orb of protection
Dwarven Mine Dragon Slayer Wizard's Mind Bomb Wizard's Mind Bomb, Silk silk, Lobster Pot lobster pot, Unfired bowl Unfired Bowl (for door) Map Piece Map Piece
Basement of Melzar's Maze Dragon Slayer Black key Black key, Magenta key Magenta key, Orange Key Orange Key, Red key Red key, Yellow key Yellow key for various doors. Map Piece Map Piece
Southwest corner of Observatory dungeon Observatory Quest None Keep key Keep key
Desert Mining Camp (Chest is called the "Captains Chest") Tourist Trap Bedobin Copy Key Bedobin Copy Key Technical Plans Technical Plans
Gloughs chest in Tree Gnome Stronghold Grand Tree Glough's key Glough's key Glough's notes Glough's notes
Carnillean Chest The Hazeel Cult Carnillean Key Carnillean Key Script of Hazeel Script of Hazeel
Varrock, Blue Moon Inn Pirate's Treasure Chest Key (Pirate's Treasure) Chest Key (Pirate's Treasure) Hint of the treasure location

See also[]
