RuneScape Classic Wiki
The main RuneScape Wiki has an article on: Diamond
The Old School RuneScape Wiki also has an article on Diamond.

A Diamond is a gem that is used in the crafting skill. The gem is obtained from cutting an uncut diamond and can be made into various pieces of jewelry.


For more details, see Crafting

Diamonds can be crafted into rings, necklaces and amulets. However, in RuneScape Classic, the only useful piece of jewelry is the amulet because no other pieces can be enchanted and provide no bonuses.

Image Name Level Experience
Diamond ring Diamond ring 42 85
Diamond necklace Diamond necklace 56 90
Diamond Amulet Diamond amulet 70 100

Sold in[]

Store Location Stock
Al Kharid gem stall Al Kharid 0
Gem stall East Ardougne market 0
Herquin's Gems West Falador 0
