RuneScape Classic Wiki

Examine: A sort of ancient altar thingy

A dolmen is a piece of scenery in center of Varrock Dark wizards circle. A dolmen without henges may be found to west of the Tree Gnome Stronghold near the edge of the map. There is no way to interact with it other than to examine it.

Tomb Dolmens[]

Tomb of Bervirius

Tomb of Bervirius

The Tomb Dolmens are encountered during Shilo Village quest. Tomb of Bervirius contains Sword Pommel, Locating Crystal and Bervirius Tomb Notes. Rashiliyia's Tomb contains Rashiliya Corpse. The quest is completed when Rashiliya Corpse is buried in the same dolmen with his son Bervirius.


Right tomb dolmen

Right click options

Selecting Look:

The Dolmen is intricately decorated with the family
symbol of two crossed palm trees .
You can see that there are some items on the Dolmen.

Selecting Search option:

The Dolmen is intricately decorated with the symbol of
two crossed palm trees. It might be the family crest?
You can see that there are some items on the Dolmen.
You find a rusty sword with an ivory pommel.
You take the pommel and place it into your inventory.
You find a Crystal Sphere
You find some writing on the dolmen,
you grab some nearby scraps of delicate paper together
and copy the text as best you can and collect
them together as a scroll


An ancient construct for displaying the bones of the deceased

See also[]
