RuneScape Classic Wiki

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Elemental bolt
Elemental bolt
Released 27 January 2001 (Update)
Pay-to-play No
Quest needed? None
Staff needed? None
Magic level 9
Description A strength 2 missile attack
Runes 1 Air, 1 Water, 1 Earth, 1 Fire
Experience (?) 38
Fatigue Precedes fatigue
Casts / 100% (?)

Elemental bolt was an early combat spell. It became available at level 9 EvilMagic, and required 1 each elemental rune (air, water, earth, fire) per cast. It was removed with the update on 10 May 2001. It, along with its GoodMagic counterpart, Wind bolt, was replaced as a strength 2 missile attack by Water strike.
