RuneScape Classic Wiki
Location on World Map
Barbarian Outpost Entrana Dark Wizards' Tower



Entrana is a Saradomin outpost on a island close to Crandor and plays a large role in the Lost City quest. Armour and weapons are not allowedhere, but items can be worn as long as they provide no attack or defence bonuses.Attractions include a herblore shop, a furnace, an altar, a mine and Entrana Dungeon.Players new to Classic should note that the familiar law altar is not here because the runecrafting skill does not exist in RuneScape Classic.


There are several dangers on Entrana. First, note that there is NO armor or weapons on this island. The monks will stop you before you leave from Port Sarim. The only exceptions to this are runes and unmade arrows and unmade ranged weapons. There are several unicorns, and a few bears, but high leveled players should be fine. However, the dungeon houses several Lv 90+ greater demons, making it dangerous for most players. The fabled Dramen tree is guarded by the deadly tree spirit, which should be fought with caution.


There are many facilities that Entrana houses. These include:

  • An altar for recharging prayer points. This altar is just north east of the landing area. The head Priest is standing by here.
  • A furnace that is mainly used for glassblowing. This is not recommended for smelting ores, as there is no bank on Entrana.
  • A small mine to on the northern part of Entrana. This mine contains 3 iron, 3 coal, and 1 gold ore.
  • A bed on the second floor of the house just northwest of the furnace. The glassblowing rod can be obtained here.
  • There is an herblaw shop on the southwestern corner of the island. There are vials, pestles, and newt eyes sold here.

Entrana Dungeon

Entrana Dungeon is a relatively straightforward dungeon containing only 3 monsters. These monsters are zombies, greater demons, and the tree spirit. This dungeon is very dangerous, as prayer is drained upon entering, and there is no armor or weapons allowed on Entrana. The only ways out of the dungeon are via teleport, or exiting the door at the far end of the dungeon. This door leads to deep wilderness, so be careful.

The Dramen tree is guarded by the level 101 tree spirit, which must be slain in order to complete Lost City.


Entrana is a very peaceful island south of Taverly. There are a few dangers on it, but it is generally serene. It is the home of the Saradomin Monks. No armor or weapons are allowed in the island.
