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Fire blast
Fire blast
Released 24 May 2001 (Update)
Pay-to-play No
Quest needed? None
Staff needed? None
Magic level 59
Description A strength 12 missile attack
Runes 1 Death, 5 Fire, 4 Air
Max hit Unknown edit
Experience (?) 138
Fatigue Unknown edit
Casts / 100% (?) Unknown edit

Fire blast is a combat spell available at level 59 Magic. It costs 5 fire, 4 air, and 1 death rune to use, and yields 138 experience when cast successfully. Fire blast is a strength 12 missile attack, and is the most powerful Magic attack for free-to-play besides Crumble undead.

During the Family Crest quest, the player must successfully cast each blast spell (Wind, Water, Earth, & Fire) once on the demon Chronozon in order to weaken him before he can be defeated. Failure to do so will cause his Hits to recharge, although any successfully cast blast spells will not need to be recast in an ongoing fight.
