RuneScape Classic Wiki
RuneScape Classic Wiki
The main RuneScape Wiki has an article on: Forester's Arms
The Old School RuneScape Wiki also has an article on Forester's Arms.
Forester's Arms
Forester Arm Bar
Location Seer's Village
NPCs Bartender, Poison Salesman
Monsters None
Drinks sold Beer, Meat pie, Stew, Liverbane
Notable info Unknown edit
Forester Arm Bar Map

The Forester's Arms is a pub located in Seers' Village, west of the bank. You can purchase beer, Meat pie, and Stew here. You also purchase Liverbane here for 18 coins during the Alfred Grimhand Bar Crawl mini-quest.

The Poison Salesman featured in the Murder Mystery quest is inside the pub.
