A gate is a piece of scenery used to access fenced areas. It can be opened and closed and its examine status reflects this state. It says either The gate is open or The gate is closed. Gates are sometimes used like doors to block and keep enemies or players away.

A larger gate to Varrock palace grounds.
Special Gates[]
- Al Kharid gate - A gate from Lumbridge to Al Kharid
- Ardounge wall gateway - A huge set of heavy wooden doors
- Barbarian Outpost - A gate guarded by a fierce barbarian
- Dark Metal Gate in Legends caverns - A dark metalic gate which seems to be fused with the rock
- Gate of Iban - It doesn't look very inviting
- Gate of Zamorak - It doesn't look very inviting
- Gnome stronghold gate
- Gu'Tanoth - This gate barrs your way into gu'tanoth
- Heavy Metal Gate in Legends caverns - This is an immense and very heavy looking gate made out of thick wrought metal
- Iron Gate - A well wrought iron gate - it's locked.
- McGrubor's Wood - The main entrance to McGrubor's wood
- Member's Gates in Taverley, Karamja and Wilderness - You can pass through this on the members server
- Metal Gate at Shilo Village entrance
- Metalic Dungeon Gate in Rashiliyia's Tomb - It seems to be closed
- Observatory dungeon jail - The entrance to the dungeon jail. Players need to use the Keep key to enter.
- Sinclair Mansion, Guard Dog enclosure - A sturdy and secure wooden gate
- Stone Gate - A mystical looking object
- Taverley dungeon / Nora T Hag's house - requires Leather Gloves or Ice Gloves to negate electric current that can do 10+ damage. Players who wear armour and not the proper gloves will receive the message "As your metal armour touches the gate you feel a shock". Players not wearing anything will receive the message "As your bare hands touch the gate you feel a shock".
- Varrock west bank - The bank vault gate
- West Ardougne, basement of the house that is imprisoning Elena. Players need to use the Little key to unlock it.
- Wooden Gate at Shilo Village entrance
- Wilderness Agility Course entrance - Enter to balance into an agility area
- Wrought Mithril Gates in Legends' Guild - Magnificent wrought mithril gates giving access to the Legends Guild
The Sinclair Mansion Guard Dog's gate can be investigated during the Murder Mystery quest. Investigating it prior and after the quest leads to:
- You need the guards permission to do that
Investigating it during the quest places the following messages:
- As you approach the gate the Guard Dog starts barking loudly at you
- There is no way an intruder could have committed the murder
- It must have been someone the dog knew to get past it quietly
Going through gate made of metal:
- you go through the gate
Closing a gate made of wood:
- The gate creaks shut
Opening a gate made of wood:
- The gate swings open
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