Giants (aka. hill giants) are monsters which are commonly fought by mid- and high-level players in the Edgeville Dungeon. They are often killed because they always drop big bones (useful for training Prayer), and frequently drop limpwurt roots (useful for training Herblaw).
They are the lowest-level monster to drop big bones. They also provide a faster Prayer experience rate than monsters dropping Dragon Bones while also being much safer to fight against and quicker to reach. This makes fighting them highly competitive among players, particularly within the Edgeville dungeon.
Quick access to the end of the dungeon where the giants are located is down the ladder in a shack west of Varrock on the east side of the river. The door requires a brass key, which can be found within the dungeon north of the ladder.
An efficient combat method for low-level players is to bring steel armour or better, and at least a black weapon. As well as this, players should bring at least sardines for food. These players should be especially careful as the area has a gate which other players can continuously close and trap them near the aggressive giants and hobgoblins.