RuneScape Classic Wiki
For the currency, see Coins.
The main RuneScape Wiki has an article on: Gold
The Old School RuneScape Wiki also has an article on Gold.

Gold is an item which may be obtained through Mining a gold rock by players with level 40 Mining. Mining gold ore yields 65 experience. A player can then refine the gold into a gold bar at level 40 Smithing, yielding 22.5 experience. Players with adequate Crafting levels can then turn their gold bar into one of many jewellery items, provided they have the required mould and/or gem.


Main article: Gold rock locations

Item spawns[]

Location Number of spawns Number in stack
Brimhaven mine, northwest 1 1
Varrock west bank basement 2* 1
Wilderness East Ruins 1 1

* These stacks may only be obtained by casting Telekinetic grab on them with level 33 Magic.

Dropped by[]

Monster Combat level Quantity Rarity
Tribesman 39 1 3Uncommon
Lesser Demon 79 1 4Rare


  • Some players like to call gold ore "nuggets" due to their appearance.
  • "Perfect" gold used in the Family Crest quest has a different item ID, meaning it's a different item.
    • It can be used for everything that regular gold is used for except for making golden bowls.
