RuneScape Classic Wiki
This page is an article containing dialogue related to Grip.
The contents of this page are copied verbatim from RuneScape Classic,
and are thus copyrighted by Jagex.

During Heroes quest[]

Normal conversation[]

  • Player: Hi I am Hartigen
  • Player: I've come to take the job as your deputy
  • Grip: Ah good at last, you took you're time getting here
  • Grip: Now let me see
  • Grip: Your quarters will be that room nearest the sink
  • Grip: I'll get your hours of duty sorted in a bit
  • Grip: Oh and have you got your I.D paper
  • Grip: Internal security is almost as important as external security for a guard
  • [Player does not have ID paper]
  • Player: Oh dear I don't have that with me any more
  • [Player has ID paper]
  • (You hand your I.D paper to grip)
    • So can I guard the treasure room please
      • (See below)
    • So what do my duties involve?
      • (See below)
    • Well I'd better sort my new room out
      • (See below)

Talking to him again, after having given him the ID[]

  • So can I guard the treasure room please
    • Player: So can I guard the treasure room please
    • Grip: Well I might post you outside it sometimes
    • Grip: I prefer to be the only one allowed inside though
    • Grip: There's some pretty valuable stuff in there
    • Grip: Those keys stay only with the head guard and with Scarface Pete
      • So what do my duties involve?
        • (See below)
      • Well I'd better sort my new room out
        • (See below)
  • So what do my duties involve?
    • Player: So what do my duties involve?
    • Grip: You'll have various guard duty shifts
    • Grip: I may have specific tasks to give you as they come up
    • Grip: If anything happens to me you need to take over as head guard
    • Grip: You'll find Important keys to the treasure room and Pete's quarters
    • Grip: Inside my jacket
      • So can I guard the treasure room please
        • (See above)
      • Well I'd better sort my new room out
        • (See below)
      • Anything I can do now?
        • Player: Anything I can do now?
        • [If the player doesn't have the key]
        • Grip: Hmm well you could find out what this key does
        • Grip: Apparantly it's to something in this building
        • Grip: Though I don't for the life of me know what
        • (Grip hands you a key)
        • [If the player has the key]
        • Grip: Can't think of anything right now
  • Well I'd better sort my new room out
    • Player: Well I'd better sort my new room out
    • Grip: Yeah I'll give you time to settle in

Black arm gang attempting to attack him[]

  • Player: I can't attack the head guard here
  • Player: There are too many witnesses to see me do it
  • Player: I'd have the whole of Brimhaven after me
  • Player: Besides if he dies I want to have the chance of being promoted
  • (Maybe you need another player's help)

Black arm gang opening the cupboard[]

  • guard: I don't think Mr Grip will like you opening that up
  • guard: That's his drinks cabinet
  • Player: He won't notice me having a quick look
  • Grip: Hey what are you doing there
  • Grip: That's my drinks cabinet get away from it