This page is an article containing dialogue related to Grubor.
The contents of this page are copied verbatim from RuneScape Classic,
and are thus copyrighted by Jagex.
The contents of this page are copied verbatim from RuneScape Classic,
and are thus copyrighted by Jagex.
Player attempts to open door without having started Hero's Quest or player is Phoenix gang[]
- Grubor: Yes? what do you want?
- Would you like to have your windows refitting?
- Player: Would you like to have your windows refitting?
- Grubor: Don't be daft, we don't have any windows
- I want to come in
- Player: I want to come in
- Grubor: No, go away
- Do you want to trade?
- Player: Do you want to trade
- Grubor: No I'm busy
- Would you like to have your windows refitting?
During Hero's Quest[]
Before the gate are open[]
- Grubor: Yes? what do you want?
- Rabbit's foot
- Player: Rabbit's foot
- Grubor: What are you on about
- Grubor: Go away
- four leaved clover
- Player: Four leaved clover
- Grubor: Oh you're one of the gang are you
- Grubor: Just a second I'll let you in
- You here the door being unbarred
- you open the door
- You go through the door
- Lucky Horseshoe
- Player: Lucky Horseshoe
- Grubor: What are you on about
- Grubor: Go away
- Black cat
- Player: Black cat
- Grubor: What are you on about
- Grubor: Go away
- Rabbit's foot
After the gates are open[]
- Player: Hi
- Grubor: Hi, I'm a little busy right now