RuneScape Classic Wiki
The main RuneScape Wiki has an article on: Ice Queen
The Old School RuneScape Wiki also has an article on Ice Queen.
Ice Queen
Ice Queen
Released 27 February 2002 (Update)
Pay-to-play Yes
Combat level 103
Max hit 10
Stats (?) 105/101/104
Hitpoints 104
Experience (?) 169.5
Ranged XP (?) 226
Hits XP (?) 56.5
Fatigue (?) 2.26%
Hostility Aggressive (?)
Poisonous No
Poisonable Yes
Examine The leader of the ice warriors

The Ice Queen is a level 103 monster located in the Ice Queen Maze. Players must kill her to obtain ice gloves which are needed for Heroes' Quest to pick up the Firebird Feather. She is presumably Queen of the Ice Warriors as her in game examine text suggests.


The blue skinned Ice Queen wears a light purple or blue shirt, and Mithril platelegs. She holds a Mithril Kite Shield or Mithril Square Shield and wields a Mithril Mace. She is likely not human, a trait shared with the Ice Warriors.



Image Item Quantity Rarity
Bones Bones 1 1Always
Ice Gloves Ice Gloves 1 1Always


All herbs are dropped in unidentified form. Torstol is not among them.

Image Item Quantity Rarity
Herb Guam leaf 1 2Common
Herb Marrentill 1 2Common
Herb Tarromin 1 2Common
Herb Harralander 1 2Common
Herb Ranarr weed 1 3Uncommon
Herb Irit leaf 1 3Uncommon
Herb Avantoe 1 3Uncommon
Herb Kwuarm 1 3Uncommon
Herb Cadantine 1 4Rare
Herb Dwarf weed 1 4Rare

Rare drop table[]

Image Item Quantity Rarity
Uncut sapphire Uncut sapphire 1 4Rare
Uncut emerald Uncut emerald 1 4Rare
Uncut ruby Uncut ruby 1 4Rare
Uncut diamond Uncut diamond 1 5Very rare
Half of a key (tooth) Half of a key 1 5Very rare
Half of a key (loop) Half of a key 1 5Very rare
Half Dragon Square Shield 1 Half Dragon square shield 1 5Very rare


Image Item Quantity Rarity
Coins Coins 15 2Common
Nature-Rune Nature-Rune 1 3Uncommon
Cosmic-Rune Cosmic-Rune 1 3Uncommon
Law-Rune Law-Rune 1 3Uncommon
Iron battle Axe Iron battle Axe 1 3Uncommon
