This page is an article containing dialogue related to Katrine.
The contents of this page are copied verbatim from RuneScape Classic,
and are thus copyrighted by Jagex.
The contents of this page are copied verbatim from RuneScape Classic,
and are thus copyrighted by Jagex.
Prior to talking with the Tramp[]
- Katrine: What is this place?
- Katrine: It's a private business
- Katrine: Can I help you at all?
- What sort of business
- Player: What sort of business
- Katrine: A small family business
- Katrine: We give financial advice to other companies
- I'm looking for fame and riches
- Player: I'm looking for fame and riches
- Katrine: And you expect to find it up the backstreets of Varrock?
- What sort of business
After speaking with the Tramp[]
- (After asking the Tramp if he thinks the player can join, this conversation becomes available)
- (This may be initiated before starting the Shield of Arrav quest with Reldo)
- Player: What is this place?
- Katrine: It's a private business
- Katrine: Can I help you at all?
- I've heard you're the blackarm gang
- Player: I've heard you're the blackarm gang
- Katrine: Who told you that?
- I'd rather not reveal my sources
- Player: I'd rather not reveal my sources
- Katrine: Yes, I can understand that
- Katrine: So what do you want with us?
- I want to become a member of your gang
- Player: I want to become a member of your gang
- Katrine: How unusual
- Katrine: Normally we recruit for our gang
- Katrine: By watching local thugs and thieves in action
- Katrine: People don't normally waltz in here
- Katrine: Saying 'hello can I play'
- Katrine: How can I be sure you can be trusted?
- Well you can give me a try, can't you?
- Well you can give me a try, can't you?
- Katrine: I'm not so sure
- Katrine: I think I may have a solution actually
- Katrine: Our rival gang - the phoenix gang
- Katrine: Has a weapons stash a little east of here
- Katrine: We're fresh out of crossbows
- Katrine: So if you could steal a couple of crossbows for us
- Katrine: That would be very much appreciated
- Katrine: Then I'll be happy to call you a black arm
- Ok no problem
- Player: Ok no problem
- (Dialogue ends)
- (The player is now tasked with finding crossbows, Katrines dialogue changes states)
- Sounds a little tricky got anything easier?
- Player: Sounds a little tricky got anything easier?
- Katrine: If you're not up for a little bit of danger
- Katrine: I don't think you've got anything to offer our gang
- Ok no problem
- Well people tell me I have an honest face
- Player: Well people tell me I have an honest face
- Katrine: How unusual someone honest wanting to join a gang of thieves
- Katrine: Excuse me if i remain unconvinced
- Katrine: I think I may have a solution actually
- (See dialogue above)
- Well you can give me a try, can't you?
- I want some hints for becoming a thief
- Player: I want some hints for becomming a thief
- Katrine: Well I'm sorry luv
- Katrine: I'm not giving away my secrets
- Katrine: Not to none black arm members anyway
- (Dialogue ends)
- I'm looking for the door out of here
- Player: I'm looking for the door out of here
- (Katrine groans)
- Katrine: Try the one you just came in
- (Dialogue ends)
- I want to become a member of your gang
- It was the tramp outside
- Player: It was the tramp outside
- Katrine: Is that guy still out there?
- Katrine: He's getting to be a nuisance
- Katrine: Remind me to send someone to kill him
- Katrine:So now you've found us
- Katrine: What do you want?
- I want to become a member of your gang
- (See above dialogue)
- I want some hints for becoming a thief
- (See above dialogue)
- I'm looking for the door out of here
- (See above dialogue)
- I want to become a member of your gang
- Everyone knows - its no great secret
- Player: Everyone knows
- Player: It's no great secret
- Katrine: I thought we were safe back here
- Player: Oh no, not at all
- Player: It's so obvious
- Player: Even the town guard have caught on
- Katrine: Wow we must be obvious
- Katrine: I guess they'll be expecting bribes again soon in that case
- Katrine: Thanks for the information
- Katrine: Is there anything else you want to tell me?
- I want to become a member of your gang
- (See above dialogue)
- I want some hints for becoming a thief
- (See above dialogue)
- I'm looking for the door out of here
- (See above dialogue)
- I want to become a member of your gang
- I'd rather not reveal my sources
- I've heard you're the blackarm gang
After being tasked with finding crossbows[]
- Katrine: Have you got those crossbows for me yet?
- Player: No I haven't found them yet
- Katrine: I need two crossbows
- Katrine: Stolen from the phoenix gang weapons stash
- Katrine: which if you head east for a bit
- Katrine: Is a building on the south side of of the road
- (Dialogue ends)
Having only one crossbow[]
- Katrine: Have you got those crossbows for me yet?
- Player: I have one
- Katrine: I need two
- Katrine: Come back when you have them
Giving Katrine the two crossbows[]
- Katrine: Have you got those crossbows for me yet?
- Player: Yes I have
- Katrine: Ok you can join our gang now
- Katrine: Feel free to enter anythe rooms of the ganghouse
- (Dialogue ends, player is now in the Blackarm gang)
If the player is in the Blackarm Gang[]
- Player: Hey
- Katrine: Hey
- Who are all those people in there?
- Player: Who are all those people in there?
- Katrine: They're just various rogues and thieves
- Player: They don't say a lot
- Katrine: Nope
- Teach me to be a top class criminal
- Player: Teach me to be a top class criminal
- Katrine: Teach yourself
- Who are all those people in there?
If the player is in the Phoenix Gang[]
- Katrine: You've got some guts coming here
- Katrine: Phoenix guy
- (Katrine Spits)
- Katrine: Now go away
- Katrine: Or I'll make sure you 'aven't got those guts anymore
After Shield of Arrav but before Hero's quest[]
(Same as dialogue above when player is sided on gang)
Hero's quest[]
- Player: Hey
- Katrine: Hey
- Who are all those people in there?
- Katrine: They're just various rogues and thieves
- Player: They don't say a lot
- Katrine: Nope
- Is there anyway I can get the rank of master thief?
- Player: Is there any way I can get the rank of master thief?
- Katrine: Master thief? We are the ambitious one aren't we?
- Katrine: Well you're going to have do something pretty amazing
- Player: Anything you can suggest?
- Katrine: Well some of the most coveted prizes in thiefdom right now
- Katrine: Are in the pirate town of Brimhaven on Karamja
- Katrine: The pirate leader Scarface Pete
- Katrine: Has a pair of extremely rare valuable candlesticks
- Katrine: His security is very good
- Katrine: We of course have gang members in a town like Brimhaven
- Katrine: They may be able to help you
- Katrine: visit our hideout in the alleyway on palm street
- Katrine: To get in you will need to tell them the word four leafed clover
- Who are all those people in there?
Later in the quest (after unknown flag)[]
- Player: Hey
- Katrine: Hey
- Who are all those people in there?
- Katrine: They're just various rogues and thieves
- Player: They don't say a lot
- Katrine: Nope
- Teach me to be a top class criminal
- Player: Teach me to be a top class criminal
- Katrine: Teach yourself
- Who are all those people in there?
- (same as above)
- Is there anyway I can get the rank of master thief?
- (same as below)
- Who are all those people in there?
- Is there anyway I can get the rank of master thief?
- Player: Is there any way I can get the rank of master thief?
- Katrine: Master thief? We are the ambitious one aren't we?
- Katrine: Well you're going to have do something pretty amazing
- Player: Anything you can suggest?
- Katrine: Well some of the most coveted prizes in thiefdom right now
- Katrine: Are in the pirate town of Brimhaven on Karamja
- Katrine: The pirate leader Scarface Pete
- Katrine: Has a pair of extremely rare valuable candlesticks
- Katrine: His security is very good
- Katrine: We of course have gang members in a town like Brimhaven
- Katrine: They may be able to help you
- Katrine: visit our hideout in the alleyway on palm street
- Katrine: To get in you will need to tell them the word four leafed clover
- Who are all those people in there?
After the candlestick is obtained[]
- Player: Hey
- Katrine: Hey
- Who are all those people in there?
- Katrine: They're just various rogues and thieves
- Player: They don't say a lot
- Katrine: Nope
- I have a candlestick now
- Player: I have a candlestick now
- Katrine: Wow is it really it?
- (Katrine takes hold of the candlestick and examines it)
- Katrine: This really is a fine bit of thievery
- Katrine: Thieves have been trying to get hold of this 1 for a while
- Katrine: You wanted to be ranked as master thief didn't you?
- Katrine: Well I guess this just about ranks as good enough
- (Katrine gives you a master thief armband)
- Who are all those people in there?