RuneScape Classic Wiki
RuneScape Classic Wiki
RuneScape uses the British convention for floor numbering: ground floor, first floor (immediately above the ground floor), second floor, etc.

Large cogs are quest items from the Clock Tower quest. They can be found within the Clock Tower cellar, a section of the Ardougne sewers. In the cellar, there is an intersection of four coloured tiles, each representing a path to a different coloured cog. All four of them must be placed on the clock poles, each according to its colour. Only one of each coloured cog is attached to the structure, and it can only be attached while on the correct floor.

Ardougne sewers map 1

Four different paths lead to four different cogs in the Clock Tower cellar.

Cog placement
Image Name Floor
Large cog (purple) Large cog (purple) Top floor
Large cog (red) Large cog (red) 1st floor[UK]
Large cog (black) Large cog (black) Ground floor[UK]
Large cog (blue) Large cog (blue) Cellar
