RuneScape Classic Wiki
The main RuneScape Wiki has an article on: Lumbridge teleport
The Old School RuneScape Wiki also has an article on Lumbridge teleport.
Lumbridge teleport
Lumbridge teleport
Nicknames Lumby tele
Released Unknown date edit (Unknown update edit)
Pay-to-play No
Quest needed? No
Staff needed? None
Magic level 31
Description Teleports you to Lumbridge
Runes 1 Law, 1 Earth, 3 Air
Experience (?) 82
Fatigue Unknown edit
Casts / 100% (?) Unknown edit

Lumbridge teleport is a Magic spell used on the player themselves to teleport to Lumbridge, north of the castle's courtyard. It is the same destination that players respawn at upon death and are teleported to after leaving Tutorial Island. The spell is available at level 31 Magic, and costs 1 law, 1 earth, & 3 air runes to use. Each successful cast yields 82 experience.

Teleportation spells can be failed, which will require the player to wait 20 seconds before trying again. However, no runes are lost during failure and no Magic experience is gained.

Like all teleport spells, Lumbridge teleport cannot be used beyond level 19 Wilderness.
