RuneScape Classic Wiki
The main RuneScape Wiki has an article on: Man
The Old School RuneScape Wiki also has an article on Man.
Released 4 January 2001 (Update)
Pay-to-play No
Combat level 9
Max hit 1
Stats (?) 11/8/11
Hitpoints 7
Experience (?) 28.5
Ranged XP (?) 38
Hits XP (?) 9.5
Fatigue (?) 0.38%
Hostility Retreats (?)
Poisonous No
Poisonable Yes
  • One of runescapes many citizens
  • One of Runescape's citizens
  • A shifty looking man
  • A well dressed nobleman
  • A thirsty looking man

Men are monsters found all over Gielinor. There are several in and around Lumbridge immediately where the player first starts. As such, they are likely to be among the first RuneScape Classic NPCs that the player will encounter beyond Tutorial Island.

Combat & Thieving training[]

Men are commonly trained on by low-level combat players. Many players also kill them for the unidentified herbs, which men commonly drop.

The most efficient place to kill men is inside of the building north of Edgeville bank, where four of them spawn. The nearby bank allows players to store loot quickly.

They can also be pickpocketed at level 1 Thieving. When successful, they yield 3 coins and 8 Thieving experience. The coins that they provide along with their low Hitpoints and max hit make them an ideal source of coins and items for new players.

One strategy is to continuously pickpocket them in Lumbridge until the player dies, respawn nearby, and grab their own dropped items before returning to pickpocketing.


  • Al Kharid:
    • Throughout town
    • West of the Al Kharid mine, on the Varrock/Lumbridge road (1 spawn)
  • Draynor Village:
    • In the eastern part of the village (1 spawn)
    • Upper floor of the east house with the ladder (1 spawn)
  • Edgeville - in a house just north of the bank (4 spawns)
  • Falador:
    • Center of town, near furnace, bar, park road (3 spawns)
    • Inside of a house in north Falador (2 spawns)
  • Lumbridge:
    • Castle courtyard (3 spawns)
    • Middle floor of the castle near the Duke of Lumbridge (1 spawn)
    • Near General Store (2 spawns)
  • Port Sarim - near the house with the range (1 spawn)
  • Around Seers' Village (2 spawns)
  • Varrock:
    • Upper floor of a south eastern building, west of the Phoenix Gang hideout building (1 spawn)
    • Ground floor of the Blue Moon Inn (1 spawn)
    • Upper floor of the Blue Moon Inn (1 spawn)
    • South eastern neighborhood (4 spawns)
    • Ground floor of the Jolly Boar Inn (1 spawn)


This article on a non-player character has an associated dialogue page.


100% drops[]

Image Item Quantity Rarity
Bones Bones 1 1Always

Weapons & Armour[]

Image Item Quantity Rarity
Bronze Arrows Bronze arrows 7 2Common
Medium Bronze Helmet Bronze medium helmet 1 3Uncommon
Iron dagger Iron dagger 1 3Uncommon


Image Item Quantity Rarity
Earth-Rune Earth rune 3 2Common
Fire-Rune Fire rune 4 2Common
Mind-Rune Mind rune 6 2Common
Chaos-Rune Chaos rune 1 2Common


Image Item Quantity Rarity
Coins Coins 3, 5, 15 2Common
Fishing Bait Fishing bait 1 2Common
Cabbage Cabbage 1 3Uncommon
Copper ore Copper ore 1 3Uncommon


All herbs are dropped in unidentified form. Torstol is not among them.

Image Item Quantity Rarity
Herb Guam leaf 1 2Common
Herb Marrentill 1 2Common
Herb Tarromin 1 2Common
Herb Harralander 1 2Common
Herb Ranarr weed 1 3Uncommon
Herb Irit leaf 1 3Uncommon
Herb Avantoe 1 3Uncommon
Herb Kwuarm 1 3Uncommon
Herb Cadantine 1 4Rare
Herb Dwarf weed 1 4Rare

See also[]
