RuneScape Classic Wiki
The main RuneScape Wiki has an article on: Melee
The Old School RuneScape Wiki also has an article on Melee.

A player fighting a man.

Melee is a method of attack that refers to hand-to-hand combat, and is usually performed with a melee weapon, such as a sword. Melee is the most common form of attack in RuneScape Classic, and can be pared with Magic for increased damage opportunities, or to teleport or alch drops. If attacking a monster with Magic or Ranged, the monster will try to retaliate with melee. There is no using Ranged in close combat in RSC -- the player will revert to melee as if unarmed. Magic staves can be used and come in a variety of melee bonuses.


The menu for the attack styles.

Melee combat is made up of four attack styles - Controlled, Attack, Defense, and Strength options. Melee experience is received based on the attack style that the player has selected at the end of battle. Upon attacking a monster, players are able to choose their attack style. When the monster is killed, the player receives experience towards the respective skill that their attack style is set on. The experience is divided into 4 parts, 1 of which goes to the Hits skill, and the remaining three into the attack style chosen. If the player chooses the Controlled attack style, they will receive 1/4 of the experience in each melee combat skill, plus Hits.

Using a melee weapon, players inflict damage on monsters or other players when in combat. Types of melee weapons include daggers, maces, short & long swords, scimitars, spears, battle axes, and 2-handed swords. Ordinary axes (aka. hatchets) can also be wielded and used as weak weapons, however pickaxes cannot. The 2-handed sword is often the most popular melee weapon choice among players as it has the highest weapon bonuses in comparison to any other type of weapon. At level 60 Attack, the dragon long sword and dragon battle axe (referred to in game as "dragon sword" and "dragon axe", respectively) are more powerful weapons that players often choose to use, as there is no dragon 2-handed sword available in RSC.
