RuneScape Classic Wiki
This page is an article containing dialogue related to Merlin.
The contents of this page are copied verbatim from RuneScape Classic,
and are thus copyrighted by Jagex.

Off quest, while being trapped[]

  • Merlin on the middle floor is inaccessible; a door blocks the way prompting the following message:
  • (The door won't open)
  • Merlin in 2nd floor[UK] is inside a crystal and wont talk to the player

During Merlin's Crystal[]

Player uses Excalibur on the crystal

  • (The crystal shatters)
  • Merlin: Thankyou thankyou
  • Merlin: It's not fun being trapped in a giant crystal
  • Merlin: Go speak to King Arthur, I'm sure he'll reward you
  • (You have set Merlin free now talk to king arthur)

After Merlin's Crystal but before The Holy Grail[]

Inacessible; a door block the way prompting the following message:

  • (The door won't open)

During The Holy Grail[]

  • Player: Hello King Arthur has sent me on a quest for the holy grail
  • Player: He thought you could offer some assistance
  • Merlin: Ah yes the holy grail
  • Merlin: That is a powerful artifact indeed
  • Merlin: Returning it here would help Camelot a lot
  • Merlin: Due to its nature the holy grail is likely to reside in a holy place
  • Player: Any suggestions?
  • Merlin: I believe there is a holy island somewhere not far away
  • Merlin: I'm not entirely sure
  • Merlin: I spent too long inside that crystal
  • Merlin: Anyway go and talk to someone over there
  • Merlin: I suppose you could also try speaking to Sir Galahad
  • Merlin: He returned from the quest many years after everyone else
  • Merlin: He seems to know something about it
  • Merlin: but he can only speak about those experiences cryptically
    • Thankyou for the advice
      • Player: Thankyou for the advice
    • Where can I find Sir Galahad?
      • Player: Where can I find Sir Galahad
      • Merlin: Galahad now lives a life of religious contemplation
      • Merlin: He lives somewhere west of McGrubors Wood
      • Player: Hello King Arthur has sent me on a quest for the holy grail
      • Player: He thought you could offer some assistance
      • Merlin: Ah yes the holy grail
      • Merlin: That is a powerful artifact indeed
      • Merlin: Returning it here would help Camelot a lot
      • Merlin: Due to its nature the holy grail is likely to reside in a holy place
      • Player: Any suggestions?
      • Merlin: I believe there is a holy island somewhere not far away
      • Merlin: I'm not entirely sure
      • Merlin: I spent too long inside that crystal
      • Merlin: Anyway go and talk to someone over there
      • Merlin: I suppose you could also try speaking to Sir Galahad
      • Merlin: He returned from the quest many years after everyone else
      • Merlin: He seems to know something about it
      • Merlin: but he can only speak about those experiences cryptically
        • Thankyou for the advice
          • (same as above)
        • Where can I find Sir Galahad?
          • (same as above)

After The Holy Grail[]

  • Merlin: hello I'm working on a new spell
  • Merlin: To turn people into hedgehogs