RuneScape Classic Wiki
RuneScape Classic Wiki
The main RuneScape Wiki has an article on: Options
The Old School RuneScape Wiki also has an article on Options.
Options on tutorial island

Options is a section of the menu that allows you to set the following in-game options.

  • Camera angle mode
  • Mouse button number
  • Sound effects (members-only feature)
  • Block chat messages
  • Block private messages
  • Block trade requests
  • Block duel requests (members-only feature)
  • Logout

For new accounts, there is also a skip tutorial option for those who are currently on Tutorial island.


Early rsc options

The Options screen during the first months of RSC.

  • In the non-members version of the game, sound effects and dueling weren't available, hence not being displayed in options.
  • After 17 March 2001 players could change their password through the options menu. On 20 June security questions were added for password change. Some time after 12 April 2005 with Account Management, the in-game password change option got replaced with text explaining to go back to the RuneScape website
  • Initially on the options menu players had the option to hide their online status to everyone. This was removed sometime later the year, and it is only possible to hide the status to people not on friends list.
  • After 28 February 2001 and before the Wilderness was implemented in 13 August 2001, players could opt to be a "Player-Killer" or "Non Player-Killer", the former meant to be able to attack other players whilst being at risk of death, and the latter being impervious to attacks and could not engage in PvP. They could only change twice.
  • Prior to 28 February 2001 the only "Options" in-game was "Log Out".
