RuneScape Classic Wiki
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An Ore is an item (usually a type of unrefined metal) that you can obtain from Mining a rock by using a pickaxe. Metal ores can be smelted into bars by using the ores on a furnace using the Smithing skill.

Iron ore, silver, coal, gold, and mithril ore can be exchanged for certificates at Draynor Village market or south of Zanaris bank to trade bulk amounts of ore easier and faster.

Ore types[]

There are several different types of ore that require certain Mining levels to mine.

Image Ore Level Experience
Clay Clay 1 5
Copper ore Copper ore 1 17.5
Tin ore Tin ore 1 17.5
Blurite ore Blurite ore 10 17.5
Iron ore Iron ore 15 35
Silver Silver 20 40
Coal Coal 30 50
Gold Gold 40 65
Mithril ore Mithril ore 55 80
Adamantite ore Adamantite ore 70 95
Runite ore Runite ore 85 125
