RuneScape Classic Wiki
This page is an article containing dialogue related to Quest advisor.
The contents of this page are copied verbatim from RuneScape Classic,
and are thus copyrighted by Jagex.

Quest advisorg

  • Quest advisor: Greetings traveller[sic]
  • Quest advisor: If you're interested in a bit of adventure
  • Quest advisor: I can recommend going on a good quest
  • Quest advisor: There are many secrets to be unconvered[sic]
  • Quest advisor: And wrongs to be set right
  • Quest advisor: If you talk to the various characters in the game
  • Quest advisor: Some of them will give you quests
  • Player: What sort of quests are there to do?
  • Quest advisor: If you select the bar graph in the menu bar
  • Quest advisor: And then select the quests tabs[sic]
  • Quest advisor: You will see a lists of quests
  • Quest advisor: quests you have completed will show up in green
  • Quest advisor: You can only do each quest once
    • Thank you for the advice
      • Player: Thank you for the advice
      • Quest advisor: good questing traveller[sic]
    • Can you recommend any quests?
      • Player: Can you recommend any quests?
      • Quest advisor: Well I hear the cook in Lumbridge castle is having some problems
      • Quest advisor: When you get to Lumbridge, go into the castle there
      • Quest advisor: Find the cook and have a chat with him
      • Player: Okay thanks for the advice