RuneScape Classic Wiki
The main RuneScape Wiki has an article on: Raw Swordfish
The Old School RuneScape Wiki also has an article on Raw Swordfish.

A Raw Swordfish is a fish that is obtained through the fishing skill. It requires level 50 fishing to catch and level 45 cooking to cook. Catching a swordfish gives 100 fishing experience, whilst cooking a swordfish gives 140 cooking experience. Successfully cooking a raw swordfish on a fire or range gives a cooked swordfish or a burnt swordfish. Players stop burning swordfish at level 86 Cooking, or 81 cooking with Gauntlets of cooking. To catch a swordfish, players must have a harpoon in their inventory and they must click an appropriate fishing spot. Popular places to fish swordfish are the Fishing Guild and Karamja.

Raw swordfish can be exchanged for raw swordfish certificates by talking to Niles at the Draynor Village market.
