RuneScape Classic Wiki
The main RuneScape Wiki has an article on: Rimmington mine
The Old School RuneScape Wiki also has an article on Rimmington mine.
Location on World Map
Melzar's Maze Rimmington mine Port Sarim

Rock locations.

Rimmington mine

Rimmington mine is safe and in a walking distance from Falador west bank.

The Rimmington mine (aka. Falador mine or south Falador mine) is located south of Falador and just north of Rimmington. The mine exists on a large, brown coloured divot in the land.


Players may find this to be a good place to Mine at low levels. The bank in Falador to the northeast is the closest option for players keeping the ores and gems that they mine. There are no aggressive monsters here, although low-leveled players should be aware of an aggressive level 13 highwayman who roams the road south of Falador.

Some players choose to power mine here to maximise the Mining experience they can gain per hour. This process includes dropping all of their ores rather than banking them. These ores can then be picked up and banked by other players, making it an attraction for low-level players or those who do not wish to train Mining.

A bronze pickaxe spawns on a table in a building just south of the mine. There is also a Crafting store in Rimmington if the player needs to buy supplies such as a chisel to cut gems found while Mining. There is also a General Store in Rimmington which can be used to sell ores and gems, as well as purchase a sleeping bag if one is forgotten.

Mining rocks

Image Rock Quantity
Clay rock Clay 1
Copper rock Copper 4
Tin rock Tin 1
Blurite rock Blurite {{{blurite}}}
Iron rock Iron 3
Silver rock Silver {{{silver}}}
Coal rock Coal {{{coal}}}
Gold rock Gold 1
Gem rock Gem {{{gem}}}
Mithril rock Mithril {{{mithril}}}
Adamantite rock Adamantite {{{adamantite}}}
Runite rock Runite {{{runite}}}
Empty rock Empty {{{empty}}}
