RuneScape Classic Wiki
For the one in the Dwarven Mine, see Dwarven shopkeeper.
The main RuneScape Wiki has an article on: Shopkeeper
The Old School RuneScape Wiki also has an article on Shopkeeper.

A Shopkeeper is a non-player character that runs the many General Stores located throughout RuneScape Classic. Shopkeepers often have assistants to help them in the more populated stores, such as major cities.

A shopkeeper also runs the shop Varrock Swords in southern Varrock and the Fishing Guild Shop in the southwest corner of the guild.

In Zanaris, Fairy Shopkeepers are smaller versions of the regular shopkeepers.


This article on a non-player character has an associated dialogue page.


  • Some shopkeepers use female hairstyles and shirts, but are still referred to as "he" in their examine message.