RuneScape Classic Wiki
The main RuneScape Wiki has an article on: Shortbow
The Old School RuneScape Wiki also has an article on Shortbow.

A Shortbow is a bow which can be used to train the Ranged skill by players of any Ranged level and it can fire arrows up to Iron.

It can also be made by players with level 5 Fletching by using a knife on a regular log granting 5 Fletching experience, and then using a bowstring on the unstrung shortbow for a total of 20 Fletching experience.

Respawn points[]


Shop Location Stock
Lowe's Archery Store Eastern Varrock 4
Hickton's Archery Store Catherby 4
King Lathas' Weaponary Shop Combat Training Camp 4
Gulluck and Sons Grand Tree 4

Dropped by[]

Monster Combat level Quantity Rarity
Black knight 46 1 2Common
Goblin 7 1 3Uncommon
Jailer 51 1 7Unknown

