RuneScape Classic Wiki
This page is an article containing dialogue related to Sir Prysin.
The contents of this page are copied verbatim from RuneScape Classic,
and are thus copyrighted by Jagex.

Sir Prysin[]

Before starting Demon Slayer?[]

  • Sir Prysin: Hello, who are you
    • I am a mighty adventurer. Who are you?
      • Player: I am a mighty adventurer. Who are you?
      • Sir Prysin: I am
      • Sir Prysin: A bold and famous knight of the realm
      • (Dialogue ends)
    • I'm not sure, I was hoping you could tell me
      • Player: I'm not sure. I was hoping you could tell me
      • Sir Prysin: Well I've never met you before
      • (Dialogue ends)

During Demon Slayer[]

After receiving instructions from Gypsy[]

  • (See above dialogue)
  • Gypsy Aris said I should come and talk to you
    • Player: Gypsy Aris said I should come and talk to you
    • Sir Prysin: Gypsy Aris?Is she still alive?
    • Sir Prysin: I remember her from when I was pretty young
    • Sir Prysin: Well what do you need to talk to me about?
      • I need to find Silverlight
        • Player: I need to find Silverlight
        • Sir Prysin: What do you need to find that for?
        • Player: I need it to fight Delrith
        • Sir Prysin: Delrith?
        • Sir Prysin: I thought the world was rid of him
          • Well, the gypsy's crystal ball seems to think otherwise
            • Player: Well, the gypsy's crystal ball seems to think otherwise
            • Sir Prysin: Well if the ball says so, I'd better help you
            • Sir Prysin: The problem is getting silverlight
            • Player: You mean you don't have it?
            • Sir Prysin: Oh I do have it
            • Sir Prysin: But it is so powerful
            • Sir Prysin: That I have put it in a special box
            • Sir Prysin: That I have put it in a special box
            • Sir Prysin: Which needs three different keys to open it
            • Sir Prysin: That way, it won't fall into the wrong hands
              • So give me the keys
                • Player: So give me the keys
                • Sir Prysin: Um
                • Sir Prysin: Well, It's not so easy
                • Sir Prysin: I kept one of the keys
                • (See dialogue below- after the player has received instructions)
              • And why is this a problem?
                • Player: And why is this a problem?
                • Sir Prysin: I kept one of the keys
                • Sir Prysin: I gave the other two
                • Sir Prysin: To other people for safe keeping
                • Sir Prysin: One I gave to Rovin
                • Sir Prysin: who is captain of the palace guard
                • (See dialogue below- after the player has received instructions)
          • He's back and unfortunatly I've got to deal with him
            • Player: He's back and unfortunatly I've got to deal with him
            • Sir Prysin: You don't look up to much
            • Sir Prysin: I suppose Silverlight may be good enough to carry you th
            • Sir Prysin: The problem is getting silverlight
            • Player: You mean you don't have it?
            • (See dialogue above)
      • Yes, she is still alive
        • Player: Yes, she is still alive
        • Sir Prysin: I would have thought she would have died by now
        • Sir Prysin: She was pretty old, when I was a lad
        • Sir Prysin: Anyway, what can I do for you?
        • Player: I need to find Silverlight
        • Sir Prysin: What do you need to find that for?
        • Player: I need it to fight Delrith
        • Sir Prysin: Delrith?
        • Sir Prysin: I thought the world was rid of him
          • (See above dialogue)

After the player has received instructions to find the keys[]

  • Sir Prysin: So how are you doing with getting the keys?
  • Player: I've not found any of them yet
    • Can you remind me where all the keys were again?
      • Player: Can you remind me where all the keys were again
      • Sir Prysin: I kept one of the keys
      • Sir Prysin: I gave the other two
      • Sir Prysin: To other people for safe keeping
      • Sir Prysin: One I gave to Rovin
      • Sir Prysin: who is captain of the palace guard
      • Sir Prysin: I gave the other to the wizard Traiborn
        • Can you give me your key?
          • Player: Can you give me your key?
          • Sir Prysin: Um
          • Sir Prysin: Ah
          • Sir Prysin: Well there's a problem there as well
          • Sir Prysin: I managed to drop the key in the drain
          • Sir Prysin: Just outside the palace kitchen
          • Sir Prysin: It is just inside and I can't reach it
            • So what does the drain lead to?
              • Player: So what does the drain connect to?
              • Sir Prysin: It is the drain
              • Sir Prysin: For the drainpipe running from the sink in the kitchen
              • Sir Prysin: Down to the palace sewers
            • Where can I find Captain Rovin?
              • (See dialogue below)
            • Where does the wizard live?
              • (See dialogue below)
            • Well I'd better go key hunting
              • (See dialogue below)
        • Where can I find Captain Rovin?
          • Player: Where can I find Captain Rovin?
          • Sir Prysin: Captain Rovin lives at the top of the guards quarters
          • Sir Prysin: in the northwest wing of this palace
            • Can you give me your key?
              • (See dialogue above)
            • Where does the wizard live?
              • (See dialogue below)
            • Well I'd better go key hunting
              • (See dialogue below)
        • Where does the wizard live?
          • Player: Where does the wizard live?
          • Sir Prysin: Wizard Traiborn?
          • Sir Prysin: He is one of the wizards who lives in the tower
          • Sir Prysin: On the little island just off the south coast
          • Sir Prysin: I believe his quarters are on the first floor of the tower
            • Well I'd better go key hunting
              • Player: Well I'd better go key hunting
              • Sir Prysin: Ok goodbye
              • (Dialogue ends)

Speaking to Sir Prysin with only Captain Rovin's key[]

  • Sir Prysin: So how are you doing with getting the keys?
  • Player: I've got the key off Captain Rovin
    • Can you remind me where all the keys were again
      • Player: Can you remind me where all the keys were again
      • (See dialogue above)
        • Can you give me your key?
          • (See dialogue above)
        • Where can I find Captain Rovin?
          • (See dialogue above)
        • Where does the wizard live?
          • (See dialogue above)
    • I'm still looking
      • Player: I'm still looking
      • Sir Prysin: Ok, tell me when you've got them all
      • (Dialogue ends)

Speaking to Sir Prysin with only the sewer key[]

  • (See above dialogue)
  • Player: I've got the key You dropped down the drain
  • (See above dialogue)

Speaking to Sir Prysin with only Traiborns key[]

  • (See above dialogue)
  • Player: I've got the key off Wizard Traiborn
  • (See above dialogue)

Note: Sir Prysin always names the keys in order of number- not position in player inventory

When the player has all of the keys[]

  • Sir Prysin: So how are you doing with getting the keys?
  • Player: I've got them all
  • Sir Prysin: Excellent. Now I can give you Silverlight
  • [You give all three keys to Sir Prysin]
  • [Sir Prysin unlocks a long thin box]
  • [Prysin hands you an impressive looking sword]

Silverlight in inventory, Delrith not defeated[]

  • Sir Prysin: You sorted that demon yet?
  • Player: No, not yet
  • Sir Prysin: Well get on with it
  • Sir Prysin: He'll be pretty powerful when he gets to full strength
  • (Dialogue ends)

Silverlight not in inventory, Delrith not defeated[]

  • (See above dialogue- "after receiving the locations")
  • (If Silverlight is lost, the player must obtain all 3 keys over again)

After Demon Slayer[]

  • Sir Prysin: Hello, I've heard you stopped that demon well done
  • Player: Yes, that's right
  • Sir Prysin: A good job well done then
  • Player: Thank you