RuneScape Classic Wiki
The main RuneScape Wiki has an article on: Skeleton
The Old School RuneScape Wiki also has an article on Skeleton.
Released 4 January 2001 (Update)
Pay-to-play No
Combat level 19
Max hit Unknown edit
Stats (?) 20/18/21
Hitpoints 18
Experience (?) 43.5
Ranged XP (?) 58
Hits XP (?) 14.5
Fatigue (?) 0.58%
Hostility Retreats (?)
Poisonous No
Poisonable Yes
Weakness Crumble undead
Examine It rattles as it walks
Released 4 January 2001 (Update)
Pay-to-play No
Combat level 21
Max hit Unknown edit
Stats (?) 24/20/23
Hitpoints 17
Experience (?) 46.5
Ranged XP (?) 62
Hits XP (?) 15.5
Fatigue (?) 0.62%
Hostility Combative (?)
Poisonous No
Poisonable Yes
Weakness Crumble undead
Examine It rattles as it walks
Released 4 January 2001 (Update)
Pay-to-play No
Combat level 25
Max hit 3
Stats (?) 27/24/28
Hitpoints 24
Experience (?) 52.5
Ranged XP (?) 70
Hits XP (?) 17.5
Fatigue (?) 0.7%
Hostility Aggressive (?)
Poisonous No
Poisonable Yes
Weakness Crumble undead
Examine It rattles as it walks
Skeleton (with scimitar)
Released 4 January 2001 (Update)
Pay-to-play No
Combat level 31
Max hit Unknown edit
Stats (?) 32/30/35
Hitpoints 29
Experience (?) 61.5
Ranged XP (?) 82
Hits XP (?) 20.5
Fatigue (?) 0.82%
Hostility Aggressive (?)
Poisonous No
Poisonable Yes
Weakness Crumble undead
Examine It rattles as it walks
Skeleton (with scimitar)
Released 4 January 2001 (Update)
Pay-to-play No
Combat level 54
Max hit 5
Stats (?) 52/50/55
Hitpoints 59
Experience (?) 96
Ranged XP (?) 128
Hits XP (?) 32
Fatigue (?) 1.28%
Hostility Aggressive (?)
Poisonous No
Poisonable Yes
Weakness Crumble undead
Examine A Taller than normal skeleton

Skeletons are monsters which reside throughout Gielinor in RuneScape Classic. They can easily kill an unsuspecting player that wanders through the wrong section of the Wilderness or into the Taverley dungeon. They are the first monster encountered when a player enters the Taverley dungeon. While skeletons can be dangerous (and even lethal) to low-level players, many medium and high-level players train on skeletons with ease.

A skeleton will also attack the player during The Restless Ghost quest.


These are the various spawn locations for skeletons, grouped by the differing combat levels:

Unsorted locations-[]

Level 19[]

Level 21[]

Level 25[]



Level 31[]



  • Level 20-30 Wilderness at the Boneyard (10 spawns)
  • North of the Deadly Red Spider ruins in the wilderness (1 spawn)
  • North west of the Deadly Red Spider ruins in the wilderness (2 spawns)

Level 54[]



Drops (level 21)[]

Image Item Quantity Rarity
Bones Bones 1 1Always
Coins Coins 1–6 2Common
Leather Gloves Leather Gloves 1 3Uncommon
Water-Rune Water-Rune 2 2Common
Earth-Rune Earth-Rune 1 2Common
Mind-Rune Mind-Rune 1 2Common
Nature-Rune Nature-Rune 2 3Uncommon
Chaos-Rune Chaos-Rune 1 3Uncommon
Bronze Arrows Bronze Arrow Unknown 3Uncommon
Iron Mace Iron Mace 1 4Rare
Medium Bronze Helmet Medium Bronze Helmet 1 4Rare
Bronze Chain Mail Body Bronze Chain Mail Body 1 4Rare


All herbs are dropped in unidentified form. Torstol is not among them.

Image Item Quantity Rarity
Herb Guam leaf 1 2Common
Herb Marrentill 1 2Common
Herb Tarromin 1 2Common
Herb Harralander 1 2Common
Herb Ranarr weed 1 3Uncommon
Herb Irit leaf 1 3Uncommon
Herb Avantoe 1 3Uncommon
Herb Kwuarm 1 3Uncommon
Herb Cadantine 1 4Rare
Herb Dwarf weed 1 4Rare

Drops (level 25)[]

Image Item Quantity Rarity
Bones Bones 1 1Always
Coins Coins 2–48 2Common
Bronze Arrows Bronze Arrow 2–5 3Uncommon
Air-Rune Air-Rune 8 3Uncommon
Fire-Rune Fire-Rune 1 3Uncommon
Earth-Rune Earth-Rune 2 3Uncommon
Chaos-Rune Chaos-Rune 2 4Rare
Nature-Rune Nature-Rune 2 4Rare
Iron ore Iron ore 1 4Rare
Bronze Short Sword Bronze Short Sword 1 3Uncommon
Iron dagger Iron dagger 1 3Uncommon
Grain Grain 1 7Unknown


All herbs are dropped in unidentified form. Torstol is not among them.

Image Item Quantity Rarity
Herb Guam leaf 1 2Common
Herb Marrentill 1 2Common
Herb Tarromin 1 2Common
Herb Harralander 1 2Common
Herb Ranarr weed 1 3Uncommon
Herb Irit leaf 1 3Uncommon
Herb Avantoe 1 3Uncommon
Herb Kwuarm 1 3Uncommon
Herb Cadantine 1 4Rare
Herb Dwarf weed 1 4Rare

Rare drop table[]

Image Item Quantity Rarity
Uncut sapphire Uncut sapphire 1 4Rare
Uncut emerald Uncut emerald 1 4Rare
Uncut ruby Uncut ruby 1 4Rare
Uncut diamond Uncut diamond 1 5Very rare
Half of a key (tooth) Half of a key 1 5Very rare
Half of a key (loop) Half of a key 1 5Very rare
Half Dragon Square Shield 1 Half Dragon square shield 1 5Very rare

Drops (level 31)[]

Image Item Quantity Rarity
Bones Bones 1 1Always
Coins Coins 1, 5, 10, 25, 45, 65 2Common
Air-Rune Air-Rune 10 3Uncommon
Water-Rune Water-Rune 6 3Uncommon
Chaos-Rune Chaos-Rune 3 3Uncommon
Cosmic-Rune Cosmic-Rune 1 3Uncommon
Law-Rune Law-Rune 1 4Rare
Iron Axe Iron Axe 1 3Uncommon
Iron Scimitar Iron Scimitar 1 3Uncommon
Iron Short Sword Iron Short Sword 1 3Uncommon
Medium Iron Helmet Medium Iron Helmet 1 3Uncommon
Bronze Chain Mail Body Bronze Chain Mail Body 1 3Uncommon
Bronze bar Bronze bar 1 3Uncommon
Yellow key Yellow key 1* 1Always

* Only 1 of the 3 skeleton in Melzar's Maze will drop


All herbs are dropped in unidentified form. Torstol is not among them.

Image Item Quantity Rarity
Herb Guam leaf 1 2Common
Herb Marrentill 1 2Common
Herb Tarromin 1 2Common
Herb Harralander 1 2Common
Herb Ranarr weed 1 3Uncommon
Herb Irit leaf 1 3Uncommon
Herb Avantoe 1 3Uncommon
Herb Kwuarm 1 3Uncommon
Herb Cadantine 1 4Rare
Herb Dwarf weed 1 4Rare

Rare drop table[]

Image Item Quantity Rarity
Uncut sapphire Uncut sapphire 1 4Rare
Uncut emerald Uncut emerald 1 4Rare
Uncut ruby Uncut ruby 1 4Rare
Uncut diamond Uncut diamond 1 5Very rare
Half of a key (tooth) Half of a key 1 5Very rare
Half of a key (loop) Half of a key 1 5Very rare
Half Dragon Square Shield 1 Half Dragon square shield 1 5Very rare

Drops (level 54)[]

Image Item Quantity Rarity
Bones Bones 1 1Always
Coins Coins 1, 5, 10, 25, 45, 65 2Common
Iron Axe Iron Axe 1 2Common
Iron Scimitar Iron Scimitar 1 3Uncommon
Iron Short Sword Iron Short Sword 1 3Uncommon
Iron 2-handed Sword Iron 2-handed Sword 1 4Rare
Medium Iron Helmet Medium Iron Helmet 1 2Common
Bronze Chain Mail Body Bronze Chain Mail Body 1 2Common
Bronze bar Bronze bar 1 2Common
Unstrung Longbow This section or article is incomplete and could do with improvement.
Reason: This list is not complete. Please contribute and add more drops.
You can discuss this issue on the talk page or edit this page to improve it.


Image Item Quantity Rarity
Air-Rune Air-Rune 10 2Common
Water-Rune Water-Rune 6 3Uncommon
Cosmic-Rune Cosmic-Rune 1 3Uncommon
Chaos-Rune Chaos-Rune 3 3Uncommon
Death-Rune Death-Rune 3 4Rare
Nature-Rune Nature-Rune 1 4Rare
Law-Rune Law-Rune 1–2 4Rare


All herbs are dropped in unidentified form. Torstol is not among them.

Image Item Quantity Rarity
Herb Guam leaf 1 2Common
Herb Marrentill 1 2Common
Herb Tarromin 1 2Common
Herb Harralander 1 2Common
Herb Ranarr weed 1 3Uncommon
Herb Irit leaf 1 3Uncommon
Herb Avantoe 1 3Uncommon
Herb Kwuarm 1 3Uncommon
Herb Cadantine 1 4Rare
Herb Dwarf weed 1 4Rare

Rare drop table[]

Image Item Quantity Rarity
Uncut sapphire Uncut sapphire 1 4Rare
Uncut emerald Uncut emerald 1 4Rare
Uncut ruby Uncut ruby 1 4Rare
Uncut diamond Uncut diamond 1 5Very rare
Half of a key (tooth) Half of a key 1 5Very rare
Half of a key (loop) Half of a key 1 5Very rare
Half Dragon Square Shield 1 Half Dragon square shield 1 5Very rare
