RuneScape Classic Wiki
The main RuneScape Wiki has an article on: Staff of Iban (broken)
The Old School RuneScape Wiki also has an article on Staff of Iban (broken).

The broken Staff of Iban is an item received as a certain drop from Iban disciples in the Underground Pass if the player has lost their original Staff of Iban received from the Underground Pass quest.

To repair the broken staff, the player must pay 200,000 coins to the Dark Mage in West Ardougne.


When players attempts to wield the staff:

  • the staff is broken
  • you must have a dark mage repair it
  • before it can be used


  • Repairing the broken staff will produce a staff that is fully charged.
  • The "wield" option is lowercase, whereas the undamaged staff's 'Wield' option is uppercase.
    Iban wield
