RuneScape Classic Wiki
The main RuneScape Wiki has an article on: Steel battle Axe
The Old School RuneScape Wiki also has an article on Steel battle Axe.

A Steel battle Axe is the third weakest battle axe in RuneScape Classic, preceded by the iron battle axe and suceeded by the black battle axe. It requires level 20 Attack to wield. It can be made from 3 steel bars by players with level 40 Smithing, yielding 112.5 experience.


Sold in[]

Shop Locaton Price
Bob's Axes Lumbridge 650gp
Brian's Battleaxe Bazaar Port Sarim
Gulluck and Sons Grand Tree
King Lathas' Weaponry Shop Combat Training Camp 975gp

Dropped by[]

Monster Combat level Quantity Rarity
Greater Demon 87 1 2Common
Blue Dragon 105 1 2Common
Black Demon 156, 175 1 2Common
