Examine: It might have something inside of it.
Strange barrels are found in the Legends caverns during or after the Legend's Quest, and can be smashed to reveal a random item, monster, or both.
Getting there[]
To reach the area containing the strange barrels, one must have started the Legend's Quest and passed through the dark metal gate in the dungeon. A Woodcutting axe and machette are needed to enter the Kharazi Jungle, which must be trekked through in order to reach the dungeon. The dungeon is in the northwest portion of the jungle. A pickaxe, lockpick, unpowered orb, and runes for any enchant orb spell are also needed.
For explicit directions about how to reach this area, please refer to the Legend's Quest page.
Smashing the barrels[]
By selecting the "smash" option on a strange barrel, one or more of the following can occur:
- The barrel could be empty.
- [You smash the barrel open.]
- The player could be unable to smash the barrel.
- [You were unable to smash this barrel open.]
- The barrel could explode, resulting in no damage.
- [You smash the barrel open.] [Verify]
- [The barrel explodes...]
- [But you take no damage...]
- The barrel could explode, resulting in a random amount of damage from 0-19 (possibly dependent upon Hits level).
- [You smash the barrel open.]
- [The barrel explodes...]
- [...you take some damage...]
- The barrel could be hit at the wrong angle, temporarily decreasing the player's Attack by 1-3 levels.
- [You were unable to smash this barrel open.]
- [You hit the barrel at the wrong angle.]
- [You're heavily jarred from the vibrations of the blow.]
- [Your attack is reduced by X.]
- The player could be attacked by a random monster. A random item may also appear.
- [You smash the barrel open.]
- [You are under attack!]
- A random item could appear on the ground.
- [You smash the barrel open.]
Black knight
Chaos Dwarf
Dark Warrior
Darkwizard (Level 13)
Deadly Red spider
Death Wing
Giant bat
Giant Spider
Moss giant
Rat (Levels 8, 13)
Scorpion (Level 21)
Skeleton (Levels 21, 25, 31)
Zombie (Level 24)
Bronze Throwing Dart (1)
Bronze throwing knife
Iron Throwing Dart (1)
Iron throwing knife
Steel Throwing Dart (1)
Steel throwing knife
Mithril Throwing Dart (1)
Mithril throwing knife
Adamantite Throwing Dart (1)
Adamantite throwing knife
Rune throwing knife
Air-rune (1)
Water-rune (1)
Earth-rune (1)
Fire-Rune (1)
Food and Potions[]
Fresh Pineapple
Half a meat pie
Half an apple pie
Half a Redberry pie
Slice of Cake
Spinach roll
Attack Potion (1 dose)
Defense Potion (1 dose)
Restore prayer Potion (1 dose)
Strength potion (1 dose)
Coal certificate (1)
Mithril ore certificate (1)
Mithril bar certificate (1)
Raw lobster certificate (1)
Raw bass certificate (1)
Swordfish certificate (1)
Raw shark certificate (1)
Shark certificate (1)
Willow logs certificate (1)
Yew logs certificate (1)
Bow string
Bronze Pickaxe
Coins (100)
Gold bar
Paramaya Rest Ticket
Ship Ticket
Steel pickaxe