RuneScape Classic Wiki
The main RuneScape Wiki has an article on: Thug
The Old School RuneScape Wiki also has an article on Thug.
Released 18 March 2002 (Update)
Pay-to-play No
Combat level 18
Max hit 3
Stats (?) 19/20/17
Hitpoints 18
Experience (?) 42
Ranged XP (?) 56
Hits XP (?) 14
Fatigue (?) 0.56%
Hostility Aggressive (?)
Poisonous No
Poisonable Yes
Weakness None
Examine He likes hitting things

Thugs are aggressive monsters found in the Edgeville dungeon and in level 5 wilderness north of Edgeville. They are a decent source of nature-runes for lower levels, and grant good experience for lower levels. Thugs are aggressive and attack players on sight because they are located in the wilderness. This makes killing them a relatively efficient to train combat skills at lower levels, however higher level players may experience there are too few Thugs to be worthwhile.


  • Level 5 wilderness north of Edgeville (6 spawns)



Image Item Quantity Rarity
Bones Bones 1 1Always


Image Item Quantity Rarity
Chaos-Rune Chaos-Rune 1 3Uncommon
Cosmic-Rune Cosmic-Rune 1 3Uncommon
Nature-Rune Nature-Rune 1 2Common
Death-Rune Death-Rune 1 3Uncommon
Law-Rune Law-Rune 1 3Uncommon
Blood-Rune Blood-Rune 1 4Rare

Weapon & Armour[]

Image Item Quantity Rarity
Iron battle Axe Iron battle Axe 1 2Common
Steel Axe Steel Axe 1 3Uncommon
Medium Iron Helmet Medium Iron Helmet 1 2Common
Iron battle Axe Iron battle Axe 1 2Common


Image Item Quantity Rarity
Coins Coins 8 2Common
Coal Coal 1 3Uncommon
Iron ore Iron ore 1 2Common
Iron bar Iron bar 1 2Common


All herbs are dropped in unidentified form. Torstol is not among them.

Image Item Quantity Rarity
Herb Guam leaf 1 2Common
Herb Marrentill 1 2Common
Herb Tarromin 1 2Common
Herb Harralander 1 2Common
Herb Ranarr weed 1 3Uncommon
Herb Irit leaf 1 3Uncommon
Herb Avantoe 1 3Uncommon
Herb Kwuarm 1 3Uncommon
Herb Cadantine 1 4Rare
Herb Dwarf weed 1 4Rare

Rare drop table[]

Image Item Quantity Rarity
Uncut sapphire Uncut sapphire 1 4Rare
Uncut emerald Uncut emerald 1 4Rare
Uncut ruby Uncut ruby 1 4Rare
Uncut diamond Uncut diamond 1 5Very rare
Half of a key (tooth) Half of a key 1 5Very rare
Half of a key (loop) Half of a key 1 5Very rare
Half Dragon Square Shield 1 Half Dragon square shield 1 5Very rare