RuneScape Classic Wiki
The main RuneScape Wiki has an article on: Tin rock
The Old School RuneScape Wiki also has an article on Tin rock.

A tin rock is a piece of scenery which gives tin ore when mined. It requires level 1 Mining to collect from, and each ore gives 17.5 experience.

Before the ore is mined, tin rocks look similar in color to empty/strange rocks and rockslides, but have a hint of blue. Mithril rocks are a dark blue and much easier to distinguish from. Like all mine-able rocks, their object name is simply rock, but they can be right-clicked to prospect and identify the ore which spawns within. Doing so does not require a pickaxe.

Tutorial Island tin rock[]

  • The tin rock found on Tutorial Island is a special scenery object different from other tin rocks
  • It does not have the same appearance as a normal tin rock, which is a darker shade of grey.
  • It does produce normal tin ore.
  • Attempting to mine the rock more than once will result in the player receiving the following message
    • Thats[sic] enough mining for now


Number Location
1 Al Kharid mine
3 Barbarian Village mine
14 Desert Mining Camp mine
6 Dwarven mine
2 Edgeville dungeon mine
4 Falador mine
4 Grave of Scorpius mine
11 Port Khazard mine
1 Rimmington mine
5 Varrock southeast mine
8 Varrock southwest mine
