This page is an article containing dialogue related to Velrak the explorer.
The contents of this page are copied verbatim from RuneScape Classic,
and are thus copyrighted by Jagex.
The contents of this page are copied verbatim from RuneScape Classic,
and are thus copyrighted by Jagex.
During and after Hero's Quest, no dusty key in inventory[]
- Velrak the explorer: Thankyou for rescuing me
- Velrak the explorer: It isn't comfy in this cell
- So do you know anywhere good to explore?
- Velrak the explorer: Well this dungeon was quite good to explore
- Velrak the explorer: Till I got captured
- Velrak the explorer: I got given a key to an inner part of this dungeon
- Velrak the explorer: By a mysterious cloaked stranger
- Velrak the explorer: It's rather to tough for me to get that far though
- Velrak the explorer: I keep getting captured
- Velrak the explorer: Would you like to give it a go
- Yes please
- Player: Yes please
- (Velrak reaches inside his boot and passes you a key)
- No it's to dangerous for me too
- Player: No it's to dangerous for me too
- (Dialogue ends)
- Player: No it's to dangerous for me too
- Yes please
- Player: Do I get a reward?
- Velrak the explorer: Well not really the black knights took all my stuff before throwing me in here
- (Dialogue ends)
- Velrak the explorer: Well not really the black knights took all my stuff before throwing me in here
- So do you know anywhere good to explore?
Dusty key in inventory[]
- Player: Are you still here?
- Velrak the explorer: Yes, I'm still plucking up courage
- Velrak the explorer: To run out past those black knights
- (Dialogue ends)