RuneScape Classic Wiki
The Old School RuneScape Wiki also has an article on Workman.
The main RuneScape Wiki has an article on: Workman
Released 9 July 2003 (Update)
Pay-to-play Yes
Combat level 9
Max hit 1
Stats (?) 11/8/11
Hitpoints 7
Experience (?) 28.5
Ranged XP (?) 38
Hits XP (?) 9.5
Fatigue (?) 0.38%
Hostility Other (?)
Poisonous No
Poisonable Yes
Weakness None
  • This person is working on the site
  • This person is working in the mine

Workmen are monsters found at the Digsite. They can be pickpocketed by players at level 25 Thieving, and only attack when pickpocketing fails.

Pickpocketing does not give the player Thieving experience.

They need to be pickpocketed during the Digsite quest in order to obtain one of the rock samples.

Players who wish to obtain multiple Chest keys may do so by simply begging for the key again. You will not be required to drop the key before obtaining another one.


The Digsite Workmen are tan skin toned men who are wearing boots, a black shirt, black pants, a brown apron, and some type of gloves.


This article on a monster has an associated dialogue page.


Image Item Quantity Rarity
Bones Bones 1 1Always

