RuneScape Classic Wiki
RuneScape Classic Wiki
The main RuneScape Wiki has an article on: Yanille
The Old School RuneScape Wiki also has an article on Yanille.
Nicknames Yan, yanny
Released 23 October 2002 (Update)
Members area Yes
Kingdom Kandarin
Leader Colonel Radick
Inhabitants / Race Humans
Teleportation Watchtower
Banks 1
Altars None
Guilds Magic Guild
Location on World Map
Port Khazard
Feldip Hills Yanille Hazelmere's island
Ogre City

Yanille is a city located east of Feldip Hills. It is home to the Magic Guild, has a potion certification clerk, and is the starting point for the Watchtower quest.

Notable features[]

Pub and Cooking shop[]

In the southwest corner of Yanille is a pub called Ye Olde Dragon Inn. It is the only place in RuneScape Classic where players may buy the Herblaw boosting drink Greenmans ale and the Dragon bitter.

In the center of town is Frenita's Cooking Shop.


North west of the bank in Yanille is a building which is home to Sidney Smith, a certer who can exchange prayer potions, super attack/defense/strength potions, limpwurt roots, and dragon bones for certificates.

By talking to Sidney Smith or by using the item to be certed directly on her (the faster method), players can the exchange following items:

Super attack Potion Super Attack Potion
Super Attack Potion Certificate Super Attack Potion Certificate
Super strength Potion Super Strength Potion
Super Strength Potion Certificate Super Strength Potion Certificate
Super defense Potion Super Defence Potion
Super Defense Potion Certificate Super Defense Potion Certificate
Restore prayer Potion Restore prayer Potion
Prayer Potion Certificate Prayer Potion Certificate
Dragon Bones Dragon Bones
Dragon Bone Certificate Dragon Bone Certificate
Limpwurt root Limpwurt root
Limpwurt Root Certificate Limpwurt Root Certificate

Because these items are not stackable and players can only trade twelve items per trade screen, they are often exchanged for certificates so that they can be traded easier and faster.

Magic Guild[]

The Magic Guild is located west of the bank in Yanille. Level 66 Magic is required to enter, boosts such as Wizard's Mind Bomb may be used.

  • In the basement there are caged zombies, useful for casting crumble undead
  • On the second floor there is a rune shop which sells soul runes
  • On the third floor there is a portal room with teleports to various places[Clarify]

Agility dungeon[]

Yanille has an underground agility dungeon. This area is broken into three sections.

  • The first part is accessible at level 40 Agility, and is home to a few[Clarify] Chaos druid warrior spawns.
  • The second section becomes accessible at level 57 agility, which leads to a Chaos druid spawn.
  • The last section leads to Salarin the Twisted and can be accessed once a player reaches 67 Agility. Salarin is an aggressive mage who is capable of lowering the players stats, and can only be defeated with strike spells. He drops a sinister key, which is used on the sinister chest which grants herbs used in Herblaw. This chest is the only source of torstol, an ingredient in the Zamorak potion.

Training spots[]

  • North of Yanille is a mining area with several iron rocks and a few mithril rocks[Clarify]
  • Yanille also has watchmen who can be pickpocketed at level 65 Thieving.
  • There is an anvil useful for Smithing, only a few steps from the bank, however players must right click and picklock a door requiring level 16 Thieving to access it. Despite this, a lockpick itself is not required.

